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Click the left icon to be directed to our PROPOSAL WEBSITE.

The proposal website is a project by our group of students from RMIT University, as part of the Master of Media program. The proposal website is a submission for assignment 2 of Contemporary Media Work Practices, supervised by Solly De Silva. For more detailed, updated information, use the above menu bar to navigate to the sub-headers, and find out more about how we brought the project to live.

The proposal of the whole project, all before the actual production. Find out what we planned out for the CoffeeRMIT project.



POST-PRODUCTION | 18/09/17-02/10/17
Editing sessions
Ps:whole team discuss on editing room on 18/07 at 7:00pm)

Final Post Production

Group Meeting_ Reflection of weekly team work

PUBLICATION | 02/10/17

Formal Social Media Channels Opening Activities at 10:00am on 02/10.
Promoting Social Media Channels daily activity

PROMOTION | 02/10/17-18/10/17

Promoting Social Media Channels daily activity
Update Social Media Channels’ weekly information
Weekly Group Meeting Reflection

 Coffee RMIT Event _ ‘Free Coffee’ at RMIT on 09/10
Social Media Campaign 'Share your coffee' #coffeermit on multiple platforms

REFLECTION & SUBMISSION | 18/10/17-19/10/17

Weekly Group Meeting Reflection
Revise & Finalise Project Promoting on Social Media Channe

Submission on 19/10/2017


For a more illustrative look of our project plan, click this beautiful icon to see the .pdf file.

So when are you planning for the actual production?

SHOOT | 04/09/17

Shoot_ Coffee Making
Time: 1:00pm-4:00pm
Location: Cento Mani Cake
Equipment requirement: 1 Canon DSLR T6I; 3 Lenses Carl Zeiss 1 micro rode s2.
Participants: Crew

Props, costume requirement: Coffee maker uniform

PRODUCTION IN PROGRESS | 04/09/17-18/09/17
Publish Coffee RMIT activities on social media platforms

Team Meeting_ Reflection of weekly works & Editing preparation

Online Group Meeting_ Final Editing Planning & Update Team working on Timeline

DESIGN | 05/09/17-02/10/17

Event promotion strategy discussion

Character Design, Poster Design

Website re-design & testings

What about post-production and promotion?

Can you tell me the details of your pre-production plan?

DISCUSSION | 25/08/17
Finalise shooting location _ At Cento Mani Café
Collect permission forms for shooting works
Detailed online promotion activities


 PRE-PRODUCTION | 27/08/17-30/08/17
Online group meeting_ discuss video’ s script and interview’s questions
Making the list of shooting equipment and detail the main character’s props, costume

Finalise video’s script and interview questions




Analytics and Insight (2016). 2016 RMIT Statistics at a Glance. RMIT University Statistics. Melbourne: RMIT University.

Australian Food News. (2014). Average Australian coffee consumption drops, but cafe visits continue to grow, research. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Aug. 2017].

Kaldor-Robinson, J. (2002). The virtual and the imaginary: The role of diasphoric new media in the construction of a national identity during the break-up of Yugoslavia. Oxford Development Studies, 30, 177-186.

Maity, S.K., Saraf, R. and Mukherjee, A., 2016, February. # Bieber+# Blast=# BieberBlast: Early Prediction of Popular Hashtag Compounds. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (pp. 50-63). ACM.

Mangold, W.G. and Faulds, D.J., 2009. Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix. Business horizons, 52(4), pp.357-365


Sherbill, A. (2017). Why Your Business Needs An Animated Character. [online] PowToon. Available at: [Accessed 17 Oct. 2017].


Walter, E. (2012). The Rise Of Visual Social Media. [online] Fast Company. Available at: [Accessed 17 Oct. 2017].

The target audience for our project, is specifically coffee lovers around RMIT City Campus. How many people that would be? Statistically RMIT University has nearly 60,000 students and staffs in total (as of 2016). In an Australian demographic, according to a research in 2013, approximately 56 percent of Australian adult (18 year old and above) are casual coffee drinkers. To put that in a perspective, it is around 35,000 coffee lovers at RMIT.

Who are the target audience for the project?

It is important to think that the compound words in terms of making hashtag. As it describes in Maity el (2016), the Amazon company used #AmazonPrimeDay for promoting purposes, especially their products sale. It is such a powerful marketing strategy for communication because when Amazon use that hashtag compound #Amazon and #PrimeDay it attracts the customer since the hashtag #PrimeDay is very popular in the social media.

You use the hashtag #CoffeeRMIT for your project. What research leads you to this decision?

What about the short videos?

I'm sure you've done the research on using social medias as a promotion strategy as well?

Promoting business through social media become a new trend in the recent era. A significant number of internet users who go online everyday help make the information of certain business spread easily.  Mangold and Faulds (2009, p.357) argue that the tools and strategies for communicating with customers have changed significantly with the emergence of the phenomenon known as social media, also referred to as consumer-generated media’.

By using videos as media promotion, people can be affected by interactive pictures and sounds easily, especially visual person who will be interested in motion pictures, colorful objects than the full text information. As Kaldor-Robinson (2002, p. 185) states ‘images tend to be perceived as more believable than simple texts” because videos are a superior storytelling media, connecting emotionally with viewers more quickly and immediately than text description’

I've noticed your social media promotion contains mainly graphical contents. Why did you choose to do it this way?

Not only for our digital project, the shift from textual based contents or blogs to visual content on social media has been a trend in recent years. According to Walter E. (2012), "forty-four percent of respondents are more likely to engage with brands if they post pictures than any other media". It has been proven to be a powerful online marketing strategy in order to connect and communicate with the audience. Following this trend, we adopt this strategy by generating visual contents with distinctive, recognisaable and consistent graphical language.

The design of the Coffee Panda appears to be a major part of your project. Can you tell us more?

Besides the optimization of the project's identity, utilizing an animated character as the brand's symbol could be an extremly effective marketing strategy, in terms of generating psychological association and relationships to the customers (Sherbill A. 2017). In fact, one of the project's team-member wrote about this particular topic in his well-researched blog. You can click HERE for more information.

Anchor 1
Anchor 2
Anchor 3



The world's cultures inside a cup

This is a group project as part of the Contemporary Media Work Practices course in RMIT's Master of Media program, Semester 2, 2017. The project is supervised by Solly De Silva, the course's lecturer. 

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